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User/julian/jira95 search user

Ghost User requested to merge user/julian/jira95-search-user into develop

Adds the search user widget on the dashboard, adding friends and other minor improvements / UI design adjustments. Known problems:

  • Due to limitations of the current flutter version the keyboard / focus behavior of the search widgets is not optimal. This, however, can only be fixed by broader changes to the screen base classes.
  • User card widgets can be improved to check their user's relation to the currently logged in user themselves and update the respactive states on change. This is left open as a future story.
  • getOutgoingFriendRequests always returns empty lists. However, the server is aware of outgoing friend requests, since mirroring them on the other end results in a "friend" relatio of both users. This seems like a backend-side bug.

Merge request reports